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Tyrone Stages in Benone: Regulations and Entry Form

The 2018 MJE Tyrone Stages (at Benone) hosts the final round of the McGrady Insurance MSA N.I. Rally Championship on 20 October and will be a little bit different to the 2016 event that was run at the same location.

With 44 stage miles and less than 30 road miles, the event has more stage miles than most other rounds of this year’s series…plus there are bonus N.I. Championship points up for grabs!

Although Derek McGarrity and Paddy Robinson have provisionally won the overall title as well as class nine, all other class battles still have to be settled. In fact, there are 56 registered competitors who are NOT leading their class who can still take their class spoils!

In terms of the event, there’s a new service area at Benone Centre, right beside the stages, helping to provide a very compact route so no refuelling is needed.

Competitors won’t drive across the beach, although Cookstown Motor Club would like to photograph the top 3 overall with the beach as a backdrop, weather permitting. There’s also a dedicated spectator area.

Download Regulations HERE and enter online HERE.

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